Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Enjoy "An Evening with C.S. Lewis" at Jewett Auditorium while staying in extended stay in Boise

The year is 1963 and C.S. sits in his living room and recalls the people and events that shaped his life, including the American woman who turned his life upside down. You can see this play at Jewett Auditorium on January 14th, 2017. Prices are $20, $15 and $10 for adults. Students are $10, $8 and $5. While staying in extended stay in Boise, check the website for all the details regarding the one act play, "An evening with C.S. Lewis".

It is our pleasure to provide this information. If you are travelling to the Boise area for an extended stay in Boise or are in need of short term rentals in Boise please consider Boise Corporate Housing.